A Beautiful Life is full of triumphs and challenges

A Balanced Life ensures we don’t get stuck in these challenges

Life Coaching Empowers you to Choose the Direction of Your Own Life

Focusing on where you are now and where you want to be in the future, together we discover and explore your personal and professional goals. We will find what blocks are in your way and develop a functional and realistic approach to get you closer to what matters most. With a few laughs along the way!!


I will challenge you to delve deeper. I am your cheerleader, your guide and your own private detective, dedicated to bringing you closer to your balanced, beautiful life!

Staying balanced takes focus. What are you focusing on?


We have choices. Even when we are completely stuck, we can choose how to react, what to think and how to feel.

Do you react in the moment or take time to gather your thoughts? Does your mind jump to what will go wrong or what will go right? Does how you feel dictate how you behave?

Together we can explore and clarify what’s in your way and create “block busters” to clear your path, moving you towards setting and attaining your most important goals.

Sometimes a delicate balance, we can always find where to place “our next stone” as we build our selves into the beings that bring us the most happiness.

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We Each Have Awesome Personal Power - Learn how to make it work for you


The Power of our Thoughts

The way we think has a direct impact on how we feel. And how we feel affects what we do. If our thoughts are not what we want them to be, let’s change them! By changing our thoughts, we can affect what we do in our lives, everyday, through honesty, courage and humour. This is how we change our lives!

The Power of our Minds

When we understand why some of our behaviours are so friggin hard to change, we can let go of any blame and finally move forward, creating new, healthy beliefs! Neuroplasticity, the brain adapting, growing and re-wiring itself, is a fantastic tool to change our old limiting beliefs that no longer serve us (maybe they never did!). We can harness our amazing brain!

The Power of our Bodies

Our bodies are our vessels in this life. When our vessel is sluggish or broken, it can take all of our focus and create distraction from other important things. Physical challenges may stop us in our tracks or slow us down just enough to not move ahead… However, if we pay attention, mindfully listening and respond lovingly to our bodies, our vessel can take us places we never imagined!


Things may seem overwhelming and make us feel small at times. However, with courage we can find ways to create space for our dreams and allow our inner flame to rise up and forge a new path.


Build your future from the inside out!


Let’s Work Together to Move You Closer to Your Ideal Life!

Online/FaceTime - Zoom

In Person - Toronto Canada