Working with Betty


I tune into the needs of each individual so that the practice enhances everyone’s personal journey. Focusing on alignment, safety, and the joy of movement and stillness, while giving modifications when needed, ensures a unique and meaningful experience.

I believe that understanding why we “place our foot/knee/arm” in a particular position empowers us to know our body. We can then safely explore when to push hard and when to soften, all while connecting to our breath.

Everyone is unique. We will all look different in the same pose, so developing a deeper mind/body connection for each person is key. And yes, we’ll have a few laughs along the way!



Check out the Stay Balanced with Betty Video site.


You can find Yoga Sessions/Meditations/Individual Poses/Yoga Tips/and more…

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Why Yoga?

Our worlds are fast paced, our lives busy, our attention demanded every minute. The need and desire to get grounded is universal. The ability or opportunity to do so, however, is not as easy to find.

For over 5ooo years, Yoga had brought wellbeing to people, through mindful practice. Physical, mental and spiritual.

Since this experience is different for every person, Yoga allows us to tap into our individually unique inner peace and strength, enabling us to create balance throughout all areas of our lives!


Flexibility, Strength Focus, Balance, Energy Calm, Peace, Mindfulness Self-Esteem, Confidence Helping to heal injuries and go through challenging life situations ….just to name a few….


Mind/Body Connection

How we think and how we move directly influence each other. The mind and body need each other to function properly. What does it mean to be “in your body”? It means to be aware of what the body and mind feel like in any given moment. To be present in your experience. Why is that important? If we know what’s going on within, then we know what we need, what to give ourselves. The body sensations can tell us what we are feeling. For example, shoulders tight or headache? Maybe we are stressed. Digestive issues? Maybe we are nervous, apprehensive. Cultivating a strong body/mind connection helps us alleviate things as they arise.

2 Main Components of Yoga


The first and last thing we do in this life is take a breath. Vital to our existence. Yet, when we are stressed our breath gets shallow, tight, restricted. So we get tense, giving less oxygen to the body and the brain. We don’t function well, have trouble with decisions, feel tired. But the breath is always there, waiting for us to go deeper. Focusing on our breath can bring instant relief and relaxation, allowing us to tune into what really matters. Breath gives us quick access to being mindful and present in our daily life. 


To get better balance, one must be out of balance. This precarious state is uncomfortable physically, emotionally and mentally. Yet to truly allow balancing to take place, we need to let the body, mind and emotions learn to find equilibrium. Connecting with what is unbalanced actually moves us through difficulty into the comfort of balance. 

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Building a Pose

Warrior 1

  • Feet hip distance apart

  • Inhale, bend knees slightly, step left foot back a few feet

  • Back foot at a slight angle

  • Exhale, legs straight, hips square to the front

  • Inhale and reach arms over head, palms face each other

  • Scoop in lower belly (engage abs)

  • Exhale bending front knee

  • Keep back heel grounded, front knee over ankle

  • Guide shoulders down the back

  • Soften face, soften breath


Warrior 1

/Back View

Neuromuscular Conditions and Yoga

When the brain and body have challenges in their communication, finding different ways to connect them allows us to move through limitations. Yoga helps harness the brain’s neuroplasticity (adaptability) to go beyond what is present and open the door to possibilities. Working with clients experiencing Parkinson’s, MS, Cerebral Palsy and other conditions, I explore unique ways to encourage more mobility. I’m truly blessed working with these clients! 


Types of Yoga used in practice are Hatha, Vinyasa, Restorative, Yin, and Ashtanga, often with an emphasis on flow.

I am especially interested in moving through physical limitations with safety, ease, compassion, respect and joy!



Explore your capabilities

Find your balance



Find Your Yoga Bliss!