Life Coaching/ Yoga/ Workshops/ Retreats


“Everyone should have some life coaching!”

We put together a concrete plan of action that felt exciting and attainable. Being able to take time to think about what I want in my life was positive and inspiring. Betty set the tone from the beginning and we started to unravel the issues at the forefront right from the start. Wished each session could have gone on longer!

— Karen C.



“The world needs more coaches and teachers like Betty!”

Betty’s workshop was engaging, fun and informational. She is a true and researched professional who is dedicated to making a difference for her clients’ quality of life.

— Sheri-Anne H.

“I am stronger and more capable than I ever thought”

Betty has taught me that taking time for my own well being is not an act to feel guilty about, but an important part of both my mental and physical health, as well as to breathe through the hard times (there have been a few). Moments of stillness are bliss. Each session is a new adventure full of learning. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, wisdom and strength with me.

— Theresa M.



“Refreshing and very comfortable to talk about my discomfort”

Betty challenges me and my thoughts. She is relentless and never accepts “I don’t know” (in a good way). She helped me recognize how I have more clarity and interests than I thought I had.

—James F.

“I feel like I’m finally learning to relax!”

I had been doing yoga for many years and I was surprised to learn a new approach from Betty that taught me to tune into my movements in a way that no yoga class had done before. The importance of allowing myself to soften into the poses and be present with my body, my breath and my wandering thoughts. There is so much more to yoga than just pushing to challenge myself physically.

—Shira G.



“A great balance of support and encouragement”

Betty helped me work through a very real challenge and made me feel I was heard in a way that was both supportive and constructive. She is positive, helpful and empathetic.

— Oliver

“I always leave a session amazed at how much I have learnt”

Betty guided me in developing my own direction and self-awareness, providing opportunities to explore ideas, and together we created clear goals and outcomes. She offers concrete and practical plans that are easy to implement. Professional, wise and clearly experienced, she invites her clients to open up, share thoughts and think deeply.

— Karen M.C.



“A very practical approach to supporting clients. Superb and excellent!”

Honest, enthusiastic, and a great deal of knowledge with many years of hands on experience allowing clients to reach their full potential.

— Brian S.

“Caring, thoughtful and positive”

Betty engaged the audience at the start and kept them involved throughout the workshop. Well organized and planned. She is a natural in the spotlight, you can feel her enthusiasm!

— I.B.



“A very positive experience during some difficult times”

Betty’s sessions have been especially important for me as I have Parkinson’s, and yoga is a central part of my efforts to remain mobile.

— Bill

“I have really appreciated her relaxed, mindful and always deep practice”

— Mark S.



“Thanks Betty for reconnecting me with yoga!”

I practiced when I was young with my father, appreciating some of the physical benefits of yoga, then stopped practicing for a long time until I started up again with Betty. Now I’m able to enjoy the physical and mental/spiritual aspects. Yoga with Betty is just the right pace for me, improving my posture, flexibility and focus. The meditative approach is very relaxing and I’m full of energy after yoga!

— Illan K.

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